My Books

In the high-stakes world of professional polo, Flynn Coltan rules the field. But when it comes to love, his heart is out of bounds. Until a feisty flame-haired filly decides to cross the line…
She’s the fire to my ice. The hot to my cold. She’s impulsive in the face of my control.

And I don’t like it one damn bit!

I haven’t spent my life keeping a firm rein on my world, only to have some wild redhead gallop in and wreck it all. Sure, there’s a spark there…who wouldn’t want to get their hands on all that? But I don’t like complications, and if I’d wanted chemistry, I’d have stayed in college. Gabrielle Carter can warm my bed for a while…but I’m not letting her melt my heart.

Flynn Coltan? That man is a Grade A jerk. And if he thinks he can fool me with that holier than thou act of his, he’s got another thing coming. I can see the way he looks at me. But I’m not going to fall for that ‘brooding untouchable’ game he’s got going on. I’ll admit, I wear my heart on my sleeve…I can’t help it. And I don’t plan to change – even if those eyes make my knees weak, and that body…

No! Just no.

I’m an all or nothing girl, and if he blows it, he can leave with nothing.

This is an equestrian-themed sports romance – no cowboys, but plenty of supersexy horsemen! Steamy adult romance.

Reviews for Falling for Flynn


Loved this story!

Absolutely loved this story. There really wasn’t any part of it I could say I didn’t like. I gave it 5stars because it kept me wanting to read more and more of it till it was finished.


Flynn's healing

Fun book, filled with witty banter, steamy sex, and characters you want to be friends with. The story was perfectly written and I definitely swooned throughout! I cannot wait to read the next story in this series because Ms.Breyer did not disappoint with this book at all. Happy reading everyone!!



loved it !!! love this series !!! love Gabrielle !!! love Flynn !!! this is their story… the chemistry is hot… Flynn is hot !!! but a jerk… Gabrielle is feisty… the give and take… the push and pull… will pull you in…

Guys like Tyson Killaron don’t look at girls like me…

A drop-dead gorgeous MMA fighter surrounded by swimsuit models who’d bend over backward, forward, and sideways for him? No, I’m not going to get a second look. But that’s okay – my life’s pretty cool, just as it is. I have great friends, my career’s on the fast-track. Who cares if I’m carrying a few extra pounds?

Okay, maybe I care.

My ex definitely cared.

Now, I’m being drawn into a world of hard men and harder decisions…because I want to get my hands all over that smoking hotness. And Tyson’s offering to be my personal trainer and asking me out! Whatever his motives are, it’s gonna be a one-way ticket to heartbreak. I just can’t risk it. Until the unimaginable happens…


From the moment we met, Cassie Cataldi knocked me flat on my ass. She’s Sophia Loren, Brigitte Bardot, and every other silver-screen star all rolled into one. Those eyes, those lips…the face of an angel. And a body that the Devil himself would sell his soul for.

Yet, somehow she’s the only one who can’t see it.

I haven’t figured out how to win her over, and I’ll try pretty much anything. I guess we’re worlds apart – I’m a brawler…and she’s pure class. She’s not interested in my money; she backs off when I get too close. I’m running out of ideas.

I won’t give up the battle for her, though…fighting’s wired into me like the need for air. And I think Cassie’s going to mean as much to me, too.

Reviews for Falling for Tyson


Powerful emotions

This book packs a pretty powerful emotional punch. The author grabbed my attention from the beginning, and I couldn’t put the book down. I can’t wait to read the next book Falling for Flynn. If he’s anything like Carrick and Tyson book three is going to be great.


Oh the feels!

Cassie is a girl who, like most of us, struggles with her self esteem and self worth. She is short and curvy and had been dumped by her ex for that reason. So when a super hot sex god looking trainer at the gym shows interest in her, there’s just no way it’s real. Cassie is so damn relatable. That is what made this book so amazing! I cannot recommend this book enough!


How dare you!

How dare you write a perfectly sweet, heartwarming, out of left field story about a chubby girl and an MMA fighter!!! That is absolutely supposed to be the MOST cliche over the top Alpha male/ insecure female storyline of all time! 

Instead this was Most refreshing, incredibly relatable but also totally your fantasy romance, cuz who is ever gonna get a Hot AF Billionaire MMA fighter to fall in love with them? Who?

Falling for Carrick

Why won’t he just leave me alone?

My life’s too complicated for this right now. Mom’s sick, the bills are piling up, and my deadbeat brother won’t get his butt off the couch. The last thing I need is some guy at my new job trying to make moves on me. Every time I turn around, there he is. Offering to show me around, asking if I need help, inviting me to join the team for drinks. As if!

I don’t care if he’s smoking hot…that makes it worse! Guys like this make me mad. Arrogant, persistent, can’t hold down a decent job. Probably thinks I’ll be his next meal ticket. I’m not interested in falling for a sweaty construction worker, no matter how good he looks in those jeans. Carrick? What kind of name is that anyway?


Kelly Hanson hates me on sight. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve it – I’ve tried everything to get her settled in as my new site office administrator. Okay, so she’s exactly my type. Smart, sporty, spunky as hell. But dating employees isn’t my thing – even if she would let me get close enough. Perhaps it’s a good thing she’s set on treating me like dirt.

Reviews for Falling for Carrick



This book hooked me from the get go I just couldn’t put it down I fell in love with these characters and omg what a story just a perfect read.


packing a punch

This is book one of the Working Class Billionaires series by Erica Breyer and the first book I have read by this author. It is a short read, but it packs quite a punch. Some of the scenes are steamy and will definitely make you sweat while others will have you laughing out loud at some of the situations. This book was very well written and the way the characters relationship developed was something that I enjoyed.



This is a well written book with a cast of strong well developed characters all centering around Kelly and Carrick. The author pulled me in and had me glued to the pages as she took me on an emotional roller coaster ride while reading. She brings a realistic story to life with her detailed writing and perfectly painted scenes as she delivers a short story that packs a punch! I loved this book and would highly recommend reading.


Awesome story

Do yourself a favor. Get this book! It’s worth every penny. This story is really well written, has characters that are created with tantalizing depth and a captivating story line.It grabs you right from the start keeping you engrossed and turning page after page throughout the whole book!


such a joy

I read this book and it was great! It was such a joy, I laughed so many times. Also I enjoyed the gradual evolution the relationship had. They went from enemies to friends to lovers. I found myself rooting for Carrick because he really and truly fell for Kelly. I was surprised he was willing to part with so much of his funds for a woman he wasn’t certain could or would return his genuine affectios. Carrick was truly a great guy. Also I liked how they fought for their relay and wouldn’t. The HEA was great, no cliffhangers just a great solid read.

That’s not where I want to find love. Just another blue-collar boy scraping by till he finds a meal-ticket...

Billionaires on Board

Billionaires on Board – my fun series of vacation short stories. Five sweet romances on board a luxury cruise. Perfect holiday reading!