Flynn was a difficult write

So everyone thinks it’s hard to write a book. I guess it’s a ‘yes’ and ‘no’ kind of situation. As a full-time writer, I think it’s an easier process for me, since I do it all the time.

But some stories are just plain hard! Falling for Flynn was one of those.

I guess it’s my own fault, because I decided that Flynn had to be a complicated character. On the surface, he’s a bit of a jerk…but below…well, that’s where his beauty lies. I was so pleased when readers picked this up – and then went deeper to understand his motivations.

Of course, layering a character in this way takes a bit of time. He had to be smoking hot (obviously) but he also had to make you want to shake him till his teeth rattled. Before you kissed him and promised to love him forever.

So I ended up with a story that went about 50 pages longer than anticipated, because you just can’t cram all those ‘feels’ into a short read!

Then I made my life trickier by being determined to create a female character who would be the right counterbalance for my irresistible jerk. Gabrielle has her own demons to overcome, and they’re practically the very things that should make her push Flynn away. Do we want that?


We all know they’re made for each other. Now it’s just a case of seeing if they can find their way through the confusion to realize it.

Oh, and I added horses to this one, which brought in yet another element, because I happen to love them! In fact, I’ve had some requests to carry on the Flynn thread with some of the side characters I introduced. I’m giving serious thought to this. Something a little along the lines of Jilly Cooper’s awesome series. That could be so much fun!

Watch this space!

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